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Upcoming Events

People-Nature-Art with Conceptual Photographer Jennifer Steen Booher

March 25, 2025 6:00 - 8:30 pm

Reserve now

Jennifer Steen Booher is an artist and conceptual photographer who lives on Mount Desert Island, where she has been exploring and studying the intertidal zone for over 20 years. She is fascinated by the way science and history intersect within issues like ecosystem dynamics, climate change, and marine debris. As her understanding deepens, she has been experimenting with ways to address the drama and poetry she finds in these specialized fields.

Working in multiple media, including still life photography, cyanotype, and drawing, she teases apart the complex interactions underlying biological and cultural consequences of change in the local climate. And although they draw on verified and reliable data, the resulting images are rooted in curiosity and exploration. She never lost that childhood delight in poking around in seaweed on muddy knees, filling her pockets with shells and stones and sticky things, and incessantly asking, “Why?”

Join us at this Gilley for this free and fabulous monthly event to learn more about Jenn and her art.

There will be a 6pm reception followed by a 7pm program that will be simultaneously livecast on Zoom. No charge, but registration is required.

People-Nature-Art is a free monthly series that brings artists, writers, carvers, and creative types of all kinds to the Gilley to explore how nature and art interact in their work, and how their art impacts their own approach to nature.

Bufflehead Decoy Carving Class

March 27, 2025 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Award-winning Maine bird carver Joshua Brewer leads this special 5-week workshop at the Gilley. You will learn to carve and paint a bufflehead decoy, with hands-on training. All materials provided but you are welcome to bring your own tools as well. Bring a lunch. Class meets from 10am to 4pm on 5 consecutive Thursdays.

Josh is a master carver who makes a living doing what he loves, carving birds out of cedar. Collectors love it too – the Little Deer Isle artist’s work is in high demand and he mostly works on commission. We are thrilled to have him teaching a class at the Gilley.

Bird Chatter with Seth Benz

March 29, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Reserve now

Flock to the Gilley for a fun and informative few hours with field ecologist and expert birder Seth Benz. Seth will delve into research and share current sightings and insights. Bring your own questions and curiosity, a favorite bird-related reading, or your latest observations. Depending on weather, the group might go for a bird-sighting walk outside.

Flash Fiction with Annaliese Jakimides

March 29, 2025 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Reserve now

Award-winning writer Annaliese Jakimides will teach a flash fiction workshop, using art currently on display at the museum as inspiration. “Likely, you'll surprise yourself with what bubbles up,” says Jakimides. 

“Flash fiction is known by many names, including sudden fiction, short-short stories, and microfiction. Although people often think it's a ‘new’ form of writing, it's been around for as long as we've been writing stories.”

Jakimides has placed in the World's Best Short-Short Story Contest multiple times.

Winner of the Acadia Prize in Poetry, Annaliese Jakimides has more than five hundred publications in magazines, journals, anthologies, and newspapers, and broadcast online and on radio. She has multiple Pushcart Prize nominations and has been a finalist for the Maine Literary Awards in both Poetry and Nonfiction—multiple times for each one—as well as for the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize. Her work has also been included in art venues such as ArtWord at the Portland Museum of Art. Her essay for NPR’s vaunted This I Believe program was included in the show’s anthology and CD, curated by Liane Hansen. Jakimides’ most recent publication is the essay “I Tell Henry the Plate Is Red,” in the anthology Breaking Bread (Beacon Press, 2022).

A native of inner-city Boston, she moved to northern Maine and raised a family, growing almost all of their food and pumping water by hand. She currently lives in an apartment overlooking the copper dome of the Bangor Public Library. She is also a noted teacher of writing. In addition to working with urban environmental justice organizations and international arts groups, she has developed humanities programs for schools and discussed life through the lens of children’s literature in a variety of settings, including prisons, community centers, and libraries.

Paint 'n' Sip: Paperwhites

April 4, 2025 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Reserve now

Bring some bloom to the gloom of mudseason by painting paperwhites (a type of narcissus) with their little while blooms as part of this monthly Paint 'n' Sip.with instructor Erika Elizabeth. She will guide students step by step through the process, explaining each step along the way.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Fly-Tying for Everyone

April 5, 2025 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Reserve now

Join Downeast Trout Unlimited and the Wendell Gilley Museum for a fun fly-tying workshop for students of all experience levels. There will be options for beginning, intermediate and advanced students age 8 and older. Veteran fly tyers Bob Bechtold, Mike Elkavitch and Al West will be on hand to guide students through the process with demonstrations and lots of hands-on help.

Beginners will learn the Maple Syrup and Wooly Bugger flies, while intermediate students will tackle the Golden Retriever and Marabou Micky Finn. Advanced students will learn the Marabou Black Ghost and Orange Stimulator flies.

All materials will be provided. Class size is limited. This workshop is four hours long, so bring a snack or lunch.

Haiku Workshop with Kristen Lindquist

April 12, 2025 1:00 - 3:30 pm

Reserve now

Poet and naturalist Kristen Lindquist will be with us at the Gilley in April and again in November to teach an introductory haiku workshop. She’ll share a brief history of this intriguing art form, which originated in Japan more than 500 years ago and evolved as a nature poem. Kristen will share what makes a poem a haiku (it’s probably not what you think), and how haiku are written today in the United States. Then she will guide students through writing their own haiku.

Bird Chatter with Seth Benz

April 19, 2025 10:00 - 12:00 am

Reserve now

Flock to the Gilley for a fun and informative few hours with field ecologist and expert birder Seth Benz. Seth will delve into research and share current sightings and insights. Bring your own questions and curiosity, a favorite bird-related reading, or your latest observations. Depending on weather, the group might go for a bird-sighting walk outside.

3 Restoration Projects in Maine: Bald Eagles, the Penobscot River, and American Chestnut

April 19, 2025 1:30 - 2:30 pm

Reserve now

Ray “Bucky” Owen, former Commissioner of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (MDIFW ) and a longtime conservationist, teacher, and outdoorsman, will share insights on three successful conservation projects in Maine on Saturday, April 19, at the Wendell Gilley Museum in a program co-sponsored by Downeast Trout Unlimited.

“Three Restoration Projects in Maine: Bald Eagles, the Penobscot River, and American Chestnuts,” is a free program offered both in person and online. Registration is required at Please indicate whether you will be attending at the Gilley or via Zoom.  For online attendees, a link will be sent to you the day before the program.

Mr. Owen spent 31 years as a faculty member at the University of Maine in wildlife ecology, including chairing the Wildlife Department for a decade. In 1993, he was appointed Commissioner of MDIFW during the governorship of Angus King. During his tenure there he launched the Quality Fishing Initiative, a program that made sweeping changes to how Maine's wild native brook trout were managed. He also served as chair of the Maine Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, chair of the Orono Land Trust, and chairman for the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission. He was a U.S. delegate to the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization, and a key player along with his wife, Sue, in the Penobscot River Restoration Project to remove dams and restore eleven species of migratory fish to the waters of the Penobscot, working closely with the Penobscot Nation.

Mr. Owen was awarded the prestigious Lee Wulff Award from Atlantic Salmon Federation in 2009.  In 2024 he received the Common Good Award from this alma mater, Bowdoin College, where he studied biology. He later earned a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of Illinois. 

Family Paint 'n' Sip: Red-winged Blackbird

April 25, 2025 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Reserve now

Paint a colorful red-winged blackbird in watercolor in this fun Family Paint ‘n’ Sip.

Artist Erika Elizabeth will walk students through a step-by-step process. All materials provided along with tea, seltzer, juice and snacks. This family-friendly paint ‘n’ sip is suitable for all experience levels, and those age 6 and older. All materials will be provided. Space is limited, and preregistration is required.  

Poetry: Blanket of the Night / Carl Little

April 26, 2025 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Reserve now

Join us for a special evening with poet and arts writer Carl Little at the Gilley as he shares works from his new book of verse, Blanket of the Night. Little’s poetry has appeared in a wide range of literary journals, including the Paris ReviewKennebecHudson Review and Maine Arts Journal.

He is the author of two prior poetry collections: 3,000 Dreams Explained (1992) and Ocean Drinker: New & Selected Poems (2006). His poetry has also been included in several anthologies edited by Wesley McNair, as well as Local News: Poetry about Small Towns and 3 Nations Anthology: Native, Canadian & New England Writers

Carl lives and writes in Somesville.

There is no fee to attend, but registration is required.

People-Nature-Art with Peggy Clark Lumpkins

April 29, 2025 6:00 - 8:30 pm

Reserve now

Peggy Clark Lumpkins has been a painter for more than 50 years and in that time has developed a distinctive style for portraying nature on canvas. She calls painting a love letter to being alive. “The clearest way for me to say how I feel about what I see is to paint it,” she says. “There are no words to say everything as clearly as I can with my brush and colors.”


She starts with joie de vivre, loving the world.  “… when you fall in love with a flower,  a cloud, or a shape, or a line in the sand … then you begin to paint.  Even before you have a canvas the paint has begun to flow.  It flows first as a sort of dance inside my being, it swirls around in there and becomes a part of me, at home with all the other paintings that make up myself.  The whole world is a painting to me.”

A native of New York City, she began making art in childhood and attended the High School of Art and Design. She began college at The San Francisco Academy of Art, then returned east for her second year at Pratt Institute. But she wanted to paint what she loved, not what her teachers desired, so she took a leave of absence and never looked back. She’s been painting ever since. She moved to Brownville, Maine in 1987 where she built a house and gardens, and raised two sons. 

“Even though I have been painting for 50 years,” she says, “I still feel like I am just getting started, rubbing my hands together in excitement for the next piece.”

Come share that excitement at the Gilley when Peggy is our People-Nature-Art presenter for April 2025. Free but registration required.

Paint 'n' Sip: Klimt-inspired Forest

May 2, 2025 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Reserve now

Gustav Klimt is best known for paintings such as “The Kiss” featuring people from the time when he was using a lot of gold leaf in his paintings, but he also painted landscapes in a signature style and those paintings are the inspiration for the May Paint ‘n’ Sip at the Gilley with instructor Erika Elizabeth. She will guide students step by step through the process, explaining each step along the way.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Bird Chatter with Seth Benz

May 3, 2025 10:00 - 12:00 am

Reserve now

Flock to the Gilley for a fun and informative few hours with field ecologist and expert birder Seth Benz. Seth will delve into research and share current sightings and insights. Bring your own questions and curiosity, a favorite bird-related reading, or your latest observations. Depending on weather, the group might go for a bird-sighting walk outside.

Out the Studio Windows: An Online Illustrated Talk by Barry van Dusen

May 17, 2025 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Reserve now

Many artists travel widely in search of new subjects, while others spend their entire artistic lives much closer to home. Andrew Wyeth did all of his work in two small areas of Maine and Pennsylvania, and Claude Monet spent the last four decades of his life painting the gardens right out his back door.

Nature artist Barry Van Dusen has done his share of traveling, but he, too, continues to find abundant inspiration nearby – many of his paintings feature subjects observed out the windows of his studio in central Massachusetts.  In this one-hour illustrated talk, Barry takes you along in his explorations of nature “Out the Studio Windows.”

Barry is a renowned and award-winning wildlife artist whose work is regularly exhibited in New England, and his work has gained a wider audience through his participation in prestigious annual national exhibitions such as Birds in Art (Wausau, Wisconsin) and Art of the Animal Kingdom (Bennington, Vermont).  In Europe, too, his art has found a receptive audience.  He regularly exhibits with the Society of Wildlife Artists (London) and his work has been exhibited in France, Holland, Ireland and Scotland.

This is an online-only presentation and is offered free of charge, but reservations are required to get the Zoom link. This program will not be recorded and there will be no recording available afterward.

People-Nature-Art with Kate Malone

May 20, 2025 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Reserve now

A storied ceramicist based in England, Kate Malone is known for making public art and studio pottery, and for her innovative glaze research. She has developed an unmistakable and highly regarded style.

Observations of nature, its fruits and vegetables and nature in the abstract are the overriding influences in Kate’s work. In addition to her exploration of nature, Kate has spent her career pioneering glazing techniques via research and experimentation in the chemistry of glazing. The sophistication of her glazes has led to some interesting collaborations with prominent architects and designers, working on inspiring public art projects in hospitals, schools, parks and libraries.

Join us online to hear more from this artist about her work, it’s nature inspirations, and what’s next as part of this online-only People-Nature-Art event. People-Nature-Art is a series of free monthly programs that feature an artst whose work is inspired by nature. It is partially sponsored by our friends at Bar Harbor Bank & Trust.


Acadia Birding Festival

May 29, 2025 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Reserve now

The Wendell Gilley Museum is pleased to once again co-host the Acadia Birding Festival in 2025, the festival’s 26th year of offering stellar birding trips and speakers on Mount Desert Island. As usual, the Gilley will be hosting and recording presentations, and we look forward to welcoming you to the Museum.

All sign-ups for the Acadia Birding Festival go directly through the festival website at, and the schedule and other information can be there as well.  Anyone who is a paid attendee of the Acadia Birding Festival receives free entry to the Museum for the duration of the festival.

Acadia Birding Festival

May 30, 2025 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Reserve now

The Wendell Gilley Museum is pleased to once again co-host the Acadia Birding Festival in 2025, the festival’s 26th year of offering stellar birding trips and speakers on Mount Desert Island. As usual, the Gilley will be hosting and recording presentations, and we look forward to welcoming you to the Museum.

All sign-ups for the Acadia Birding Festival go directly through the festival website at, and the schedule and other information can be there as well.  Anyone who is a paid attendee of the Acadia Birding Festival receives free entry to the Museum for the duration of the festival.

Acadia Birding Festival

May 31, 2025 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Reserve now

The Wendell Gilley Museum is pleased to once again co-host the Acadia Birding Festival in 2025, the festival’s 26th year of offering stellar birding trips and speakers on Mount Desert Island. As usual, the Gilley will be hosting and recording presentations, and we look forward to welcoming you to the Museum.

All sign-ups for the Acadia Birding Festival go directly through the festival website at, and the schedule and other information can be there as well.  Anyone who is a paid attendee of the Acadia Birding Festival receives free entry to the Museum for the duration of the festival.

Acadia Birding Festival

June 1, 2025 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Reserve now

The Wendell Gilley Museum is pleased to once again co-host the Acadia Birding Festival in 2025, the festival’s 26th year of offering stellar birding trips and speakers on Mount Desert Island. As usual, the Gilley will be hosting and recording presentations, and we look forward to welcoming you to the Museum.

All sign-ups for the Acadia Birding Festival go directly through the festival website at, and the schedule and other information can be there as well.  Anyone who is a paid attendee of the Acadia Birding Festival receives free entry to the Museum for the duration of the festival.

Paint 'n' Sip

June 6, 2025 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

People-Nature-Art with Printmaker Sherrie York

June 24, 2025 6:00 - 8:30 pm

Reserve now

Sherrie York evokes nature – birds in particular – in award-winning hand-pulled linocuts from her home studio in Bristol, Maine. Her prints have been featured in national and international exhibitions. And now she is going to be at the Wendell Gilley Museum in person to explore with us that special place where nature and art intersect as the museum’s People-Nature-Art presenter for June on Tuesday, June 24. There will be a 6 p.m. artist’s reception followed by her presentation at 7 p.m. which will be in person and simultaneously livecast. Both in-person and online attendance is free, but registration is required.

In her linocuts, she strives to represent the interactions of living things both as a moment in time and as a reflection of the wider experience of life on earth. “Human relationships with wild lands and wild creatures are as individual as we are,” she says. “When an image I create sparks a question or reflects an experience familiar to the viewer, it provides an opportunity to share our stories and understand each other’s perspective. Through these stories we celebrate the beauty found in nature, and find common ground to address larger issues of environmental and cultural stewardship.”

People-Nature-Art is a free monthly series that brings artists, writers, carvers, and creative types of all kinds to the Gilley to explore how nature and art interact in their work, and how their art impacts their own approach to nature. It is sponsored in part by our friends at Bar Harbor Bank & Trust.

Full-day Printmaking Workshop with Sherrie York

June 25, 2025 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

Reserve now

Maine master printmaker Sherrie York returns to the Gilley on Wednesday, June 25, to teach a full-day workshop using multiple colors. The class is suitable for advanced beginners to intermediate printmakers and runs from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Bring a lunch. Class size is limited, and registration is required. 

Materials will be provided – just bring an idea for a nature image you'd like to turn into a woodblock-style print. Participants must be at least 10 years old. The cost is $69 per person for non-members, and $56 for Museum members.  Register at

This special workshop follows Sherrie’s People-Nature-Art presentation on Tuesday, June 24, a free offering in which she talks about her artistic process and her work’s connection to nature.

Paint 'n' Sip

July 11, 2025 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Paint 'n' Sip

August 1, 2025 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Paint 'n' Sip

September 5, 2025 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Flash Fiction with Annaliese Jakimides

September 13, 2025 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Reserve now

Award-winning writer Annaliese Jakimides will teach a flash fiction workshop, using art currently on display at the museum as inspiration. “Likely, you'll surprise yourself with what bubbles up,” says Jakimides. 

“Flash fiction is known by many names, including sudden fiction, short-short stories, and microfiction. Although people often think it's a ‘new’ form of writing, it's been around for as long as we've been writing stories.”

Jakimides has placed in the World's Best Short-Short Story Contest multiple times.

Winner of the Acadia Prize in Poetry, Annaliese Jakimides has more than five hundred publications in magazines, journals, anthologies, and newspapers, and broadcast online and on radio. She has multiple Pushcart Prize nominations and has been a finalist for the Maine Literary Awards in both Poetry and Nonfiction—multiple times for each one—as well as for the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize. Her work has also been included in art venues such as ArtWord at the Portland Museum of Art. Her essay for NPR’s vaunted This I Believe program was included in the show’s anthology and CD, curated by Liane Hansen. Jakimides’ most recent publication is the essay “I Tell Henry the Plate Is Red,” in the anthology Breaking Bread (Beacon Press, 2022).

A native of inner-city Boston, she moved to northern Maine and raised a family, growing almost all of their food and pumping water by hand. She currently lives in an apartment overlooking the copper dome of the Bangor Public Library. She is also a noted teacher of writing. In addition to working with urban environmental justice organizations and international arts groups, she has developed humanities programs for schools and discussed life through the lens of children’s literature in a variety of settings, including prisons, community centers, and libraries.

Paint 'n' Sip

October 3, 2025 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Paint 'n' Sip

November 7, 2025 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Flash Fiction with Annaliese Jakimides

November 8, 2025 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Reserve now

Award-winning writer Annaliese Jakimides will teach a flash fiction workshop, using art currently on display at the museum as inspiration. “Likely, you'll surprise yourself with what bubbles up,” says Jakimides. 

“Flash fiction is known by many names, including sudden fiction, short-short stories, and microfiction. Although people often think it's a ‘new’ form of writing, it's been around for as long as we've been writing stories.”

Jakimides has placed in the World's Best Short-Short Story Contest multiple times.

Winner of the Acadia Prize in Poetry, Annaliese Jakimides has more than five hundred publications in magazines, journals, anthologies, and newspapers, and broadcast online and on radio. She has multiple Pushcart Prize nominations and has been a finalist for the Maine Literary Awards in both Poetry and Nonfiction—multiple times for each one—as well as for the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize. Her work has also been included in art venues such as ArtWord at the Portland Museum of Art. Her essay for NPR’s vaunted This I Believe program was included in the show’s anthology and CD, curated by Liane Hansen. Jakimides’ most recent publication is the essay “I Tell Henry the Plate Is Red,” in the anthology Breaking Bread (Beacon Press, 2022).

A native of inner-city Boston, she moved to northern Maine and raised a family, growing almost all of their food and pumping water by hand. She currently lives in an apartment overlooking the copper dome of the Bangor Public Library. She is also a noted teacher of writing. In addition to working with urban environmental justice organizations and international arts groups, she has developed humanities programs for schools and discussed life through the lens of children’s literature in a variety of settings, including prisons, community centers, and libraries.

Haiku Workshop with Kristen Lindquist

November 15, 2025 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Reserve now

Poet and naturalist Kristen Lindquist will be with us at the Gilley in April and again in November to teach an introductory haiku workshop. She’ll share a brief history of this intriguing art form, which originated in Japan more than 500 years ago and evolved as a nature poem. Kristen will share what makes a poem a haiku (it’s probably not what you think), and how haiku are written today in the United States. Then she will guide students through writing their own haiku.

Paint 'n' Sip

December 5 - January 9, 2025

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Community Open House & Art Show

December 14, 2025 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Gather as a community and enjoy the creative spirit of MDI at the Wendell Gilley Museum for the Museum's annual Community Open House & Art Show on Sunday, Dec. 14, from 1 to 4 p.m.. Admission is free and light refreshments will be served.

We will have a special one-day-only exhibit of art created at the Gilley in 2024, everything from bird drawings by third-graders to bird carvings by long-time carvers.

Free and open to all. No registration required; just drop by!


Past Events

Bas Relief Jars

May 18, 2024 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join Kathie Pratt and work in clay to create a nature-themed bas relief that you’ll be able to complete and take home that day.

Artists create a bas-relief by sculpting onto a 2-D plane to create and accentuate figures and objects, producing a 3-D appearance. We’ll be using polymer clay and baking it off, then painting it. Then, students will be shaping them around glass jars to make a decorative container.

Class size is limited.

Bas Relief Jars

June 26, 2024 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join Kathie Pratt and work in clay to create a nature-themed bas relief that you’ll be able to complete and take home that day.

Artists create a bas-relief by sculpting onto a 2-D plane to create and accentuate figures and objects, producing a 3-D appearance. We’ll be using polymer clay and baking it off, then painting it. Then, students will be shaping them around glass jars to make a decorative container.

Class size is limited.

Paint 'n' Sip: Chickadees in the Snow

January 10, 2025 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Paint Maine’s state bird, the Chickadee, on a snowy branch in this first Paint ‘n’ Sip of the new year, with instructor Erika Rosso. She will guide students step by step through the process, explaining each step along the way.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Drawing Raptors with Michael Boardman

January 11, 2025 1:00 - 3:00 pm

RESCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2025  Wildlife artist and Maine Master Naturalist Michael Boardman will lead a 2-hour workshop on learning to field sketch and focus on birds of prey, in honor of the Cadillac Mountain Hawkwatch. We’ll work on body shapes and details specific to this awesome group of birds, with a concentration on drawing with your favorite tools. Class will be part lecture, part demo and part hands-on using mounted specimens. If time allows there may be a watercolor demo at the end. Some basic drawing skills coming in will be helpful but are not absolutely necessary. Supplies will be on hand but feel free to bring your own as well.

People-Nature-Art with Amy Pollien

January 14, 2025 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Bar Harbor artist Amy Pollien kicks off the 2025 People-Nature-Art series at the Gilley. Her work is based on close observation of local plants, wildlife, and geology, as well as weather, time of day, and season. These elements are combined based on a consistent interval, or module, of closed forms and a limited color palette. Her goal is to make a cohesive impression of the nearly overwhelming detail of her visual experience at a particular place and point in time. Look for trout swirling around a vase of dahlias at Echo Lake in the image here. And join us to discover more about this artist and her work. There will be a 6pm artist's reception followed by a 7pm program that will be simultaneously livecast on Zoom. All are free, but registration is required.

People-Nature-Art is a monthly series that brings artists, writers, carvers, and creative types of all kinds to the Gilley to explore how nature and art interact in their work, and how their art impacts their own approach to nature.

Nature-themed Jewelry in Clay

January 25, 2025 1:00 - 3:30 pm

Work in clay to create a nature-themed pendant, brooch or lapel pin that you’ll be able to complete and take home that day.  Class size is limited. All materials supplied. Students must be 14 or older. This class is taught by artist and retired educator Kathie Pratt.

Experimental Wet-on-Wet Watercolors

February 1, 2025 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

Experiment with wet-on-wet watercolor paintings in this fun class that takes place over two consecutive Saturdays at the Gilley with instructor Erika Elizabeth. This class will be focused on landscape and discovery within wet-on-wet watercolor.  Class size is limited and registration is required. Class fee ($58 for members and $72 for non-members) covers both classes.

Paint 'n' Sip: Monochromatic Landscape

February 7, 2025 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Create a painting of a landscape in a monochromatic color palette that still gives depth and character to your painting in this second Paint 'n’ Sip of the new year, with instructor Erika Elizabeth. She will guide students step by step through the process, explaining each along the way.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Experimental Wet-on-Wet Watercolors

February 8, 2025 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

Experiment with wet-on-wet watercolor paintings in this fun class that takes place over two consecutive Saturdays at the Gilley with instructor Erika Elizabeth. This class will be focused on landscape and discovery within wet-on-wet watercolor.  Class size is limited and registration is required. Class fee ($58 for members and $72 for non-members) covers both classes.

LoveBirds: Valentine's Day Printmaking

February 8, 2025 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Feel the love in this fun printmaking class with Juliana Ramirez, just in time for Valentine’s Day. We’ll make color prints using EZ carve, a printmaking material that is softer and easier to use than linoleum blocks. Materials will be provided – just bring an idea for a simple image you'd like to turn into a woodblock-style print. Space is limited and participants must be at least 8 years old. Reservations required.  

Wingspan Game Night

February 21, 2025 4:30 - 7:00 pm

Join Downeast Audubon at the Gilley for a fun evening of Wingspan, one of the world's most popular board games. Wingspan is a bird-themed board game where players compete to attract birds to their wildlife reserves. It boasts beautifully crafted (and scientifically accurate) cards for more than 150 bird species, paired with gentle yet strategic gameplay. Whether you're a birder looking to dive into the gaming world or a gamer eager to learn more about birds, this game has something for everyone. 

For those new to Wingspan, don't fret! Downeast Audubon board member James Longo will be on hand to give a tutorial and go over the gameplay, ensuring everyone gets off to a flying start. 

Drinks and snacks provided.
Please sign up to ensure we have enough game boards available.

People-Nature-Art with Liddy Hubbell

February 25, 2025 6:00 - 8:30 pm

MDI's own Liddy Hubbell joins us in February as the Gilley's People-Nature-Art presenter. She paints Downeast Maine using bold gestural strokes and focused palettes. Much of her work develops from the natural beauty of Acadia National Park and the towns on Mount Desert Island in Maine. 

People-Nature-Art is a monthly series that brings creative types of all kinds to the Gilley to explore how nature and art interact in their work, and how their art impacts their own approach to nature.

Bird Lore and Mythology with New York Times bestselling author Jessica Roux

March 4, 2025 6:00 - 7:00 pm

The New York Times bestselling author/illustrator of “Ornithography,” Jessica Roux” is the featured speaker at the first Reading with Wings event of 2025. Reading with Wings is a collaborative program of the Southwest Harbor Public Library and the Wendell Gilley Museum, offered at no charge to all. This event will be via Zoom only. Free to all, but registration is required.

“For centuries, cultures around the world have looked to birds for meaning, often relying on these creatures to teach moral lessons, illuminate history, foretell victory, or warn of doom,” says Roux in the introduction to “Ornithography” which explores the way humans have revered, feared, and spun tales about birds through the centuries.

Ms. Roux will join us online from Nashville, Tenn. to share tales from the book and her process in creating it. “Ornithography” includes 100 entries, each dedicated to a specific bird species, showcasing Roux’s enchanting artwork alongside fascinating lore and historical significance of each.

She is also the author/illustrator of “Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers,” and “The Wheel of the Year: An Illustrated Guide to Nature’s Rhythms.” She is the illustrator of many more books including “Jane Austen’s Garden: A Botanical Tour of the Classic Novels,” and the Folklore Field Guides for children including “A Natural History of Dragons,” “A Natural History of Mermaids,” and “A Natural History of Fairies.”

Paint 'n' Sip: Somes Sound in Blues & Greens

March 14, 2025 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Paint Somes Sound in blues and greens in this Paint ‘n’ Sip with instructor Erika Elizabeth. She will guide students step by step through the process, explaining each step along the way.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

Workshop: Felted Octopus

March 15, 2025 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Create your very own wool 3D Octopus with needle felting fiber artist and instructor Hillary Dow!

We will use wool sourced from Maine fiber farms to learn basic needle felting techniques as you transform the puffy piles of wool into eight tentacles on a 3D octopus! 

This project may be slightly challenging for those who are brand new to needle felting, but everyone in the class will be provided multiple visual aids (video clips and still images) to accompany the live instruction. The additional instructional tools are intended to support you if additional time is necessary to work at a slower pace. The repetitive nature of the eight-tentacle design is perfect for developing basic felting techniques.

All materials and tools provided.

Wingspan Game Night

March 21, 2025 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Join Downeast Audubon at the Gilley for a fun evening of Wingspan, one of the world's most popular board games. Wingspan is a bird-themed board game where players compete to attract birds to their wildlife reserves. It boasts beautifully crafted (and scientifically accurate) cards for more than 150 bird species, paired with gentle yet strategic gameplay. Whether you're a birder looking to dive into the gaming world or a gamer eager to learn more about birds, this game has something for everyone. 

For those new to Wingspan, don't fret! Downeast Audubon board member James Longo will be on hand to give a tutorial and go over the gameplay, ensuring everyone gets off to a flying start. 

Drinks and snacks provided.
Please sign up to ensure we have enough game boards available.

Bas Relief Jars

March 22, 2025 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Join Kathie Pratt and work in clay to create a nature-themed bas relief that you’ll be able to complete and take home that day.

Artists create a bas-relief by sculpting onto a 2-D plane to create and accentuate figures and objects, producing a 3-D appearance. We’ll be using polymer clay and baking it off, then painting it. Then, students will be shaping them around glass jars to make a decorative container.

Class size is limited.

Paint 'n' Sip

December 5 - January 9, 2025

Reserve now

Our monthly evening paint ‘n’ sip workshops bring instructor Erika Elizabeth to the Gilley for a fun evening of learning and art. Students are guided step by step through the process of painting, with plenty of explanation and instruction along the way.

Each month has a different theme and inspiration-painting. This listing will be updated with the month’s inspiration piece once it has been chosen.

Sip on wine, tea or seltzer as part of this adults-only class, which is suitable for artists of all levels who are at least 21 years old. All materials and beverages provided.

wooden bird carvings